Sunday, 4 May 2014

Spring Lake

On my day off, I'm usually found searching for photo opps to write about in my blog. Today
 was no exception. My plans for todays blog was to find fields to photograph and show how
 far spring is progressing.

The top photo is on the left side of the road and the bottom photo on the right side of the same
 road. With some drying weather the field in the top photo will be ready for cultivating and
 planting. The field in the bottom photo was seeded in the fall and seedlings have emerged. It
 will be a long time before what I call "Spring Lake" dries up for the summer.

Normally at this time of year, the roar of tractor's engines can be heard in the night air until the
 wee hours of the morning. The harsh winter, late spring and plenty of moisture have delayed
 planting by a number of weeks.

 The sunshine and warmer days bring hope. Hope of a good year for farmers. Good weather, bountiful crops and decent prices.

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